The main concepts in our production always were innovation and a wide range of technical solutions. We are not afraid to develop and implement new technologies, since there is no limit for perfection, at the same time we are not trying to «invent a bicycle». Our credo - find the golden mean between innovations and solutions tested by time. We are proud to introduce you the high quality equipment, which exactly meets the requirements of the modern market of ventilation and air conditioning. Equipment that will create a microclimate brings joy and comfort regardless of the purpose of the room, climate zone and weather outside the window.
The ACM production and technical base located near Kyiv. Our European level plant - Pukhivka Ventilation Plant (PVZ) (area 3300 m²) , premises for storage of finished products and components (7000 m²).
Every day more than 70 workers and engineers are doing their best, more than 30 units of machines and mechanisms are being involved. High product quality is achieved through the use in the production of plasma cutting machines, vertical bending, coordinate-cutting machines and other high-precision equipment.
All equipment is manufactured in accordance with the technical conditions (TC).
The equipment is certified in Ukraine. According to the conclusion made by state sanitary and epidemiological examination, our equipment can be used for : residential, public and industrial facilities, medical and pharmaceutical facilities, clean rooms. We control the quality of our products at all stages of production. The logistics department is responsible for the timely delivery of components. Production processes are controlled by plant technologists, the quality of finished products is checked by VTK specialists. We also offer a wide range of technical solutions for air treatment. The presence of a large number of components for production allows us to minimize the equipment manufacture time. It also reduces the time to replace the elements of air handling units under warranty or service to only a few days.
Why ACM?
High level of technological processes, qualified engineering and technical personnel, competent logistics, strict control of production and finished products provide:
We could achieve the reliability of ACM equipment due to the high staff qualification, the use of advanced technologies, equipment and materials. Our units include components from the world's leading manufacturers.
We offer a number of technical solutions that will easily provide the necessary air purity and optimize its temperature characteristics. If necessary, we utilize heat, reducing your operating costs. Ventilation systems can perform the following air treatment tasks:
- Heating (water, electricity, steam);
- Cooling (water, freon);
- Drainage;
- Heat utilization (rotor, cross recuperator, glycol heat exchanger system);
- Air purification (filters class G3 ... F9, HEPA);
- Recirculation.
We provide the best warranty conditions for the equipment. Factory warranty up to 3 years. The service life of ACM equipment is up to 25 years.
Qualification of our engineering, and trade-technical staff allows us to provide technically competent advice on ACM equipment, its characteristics and areas of application in the shortest possible time . At your request, we will promptly select and, if necessary, develop a technical solution.
Economic indicators
As it is known, the economic efficiency of equipment depends on two components. The first is the cost of life cycle (the ratio of capital costs to the service life of equipment). The second - operating costs (energy costs, maintenance costs). Given these two factors, we have created the optimal solution. We can offer high quality units with a service life of up to 25 years at the best prices. This combination is achieved due to the competent structure of production (high efficiency and manufacturability), logistics (absence of expensive and troublesome delivery to Ukraine) and good purchase prices for components used in the ACM's manufacture. Low operating costs are achieved through the use of high-tech components. As a result the efficiency of fans reaches up to 80%, the efficiency of energy recovery - up to 85%. Automation systems allow you to maintain the specified air parameters with minimal energy consumption. Design features of ACM units simplify their maintenance and, therefore, its cost.
One of the main conditions for long and trouble-free operation of the equipment is its regular maintenance. Qualification and practical experience of the service center staff allows you to quickly and efficiently perform various types of work on the maintenance of ACM equipment in all regions of Ukraine.
ACM equipment is manufactured in Ukraine, which reduces the time of its delivery to the facility (1-2 days from the date of manufacture) and significantly reduces logistics costs.
The main task of ventilation and air conditioning systems is to deliver clean, fresh air to the room and create a comfortable microclimate. The technical decisions developed by our engineers and designers will allow to reach stable work of the equipment and convenience in management of microclimate parameters, that undoubtedly will become a guarantor of your true comfort.
Detailed technical information about air handling units ACM (type МС)
ᐅ You can find in the ACM file archive